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Following is my list of the best other DIY sites if you want to check them out. If you’re a blogger or website owner and want to get your site on this list, please contact me and we can trade links.

Barnacle Bill Holcomb’s Sailing – Excellent blog by an old salt with a Catalina 25 who also sails on Lake Pend Oreille. Good balance between boat building and skill building.

Boating Safety Tips, Tricks & Thoughts from Captnmike – Some really useful knots and safety advise from a U.S. Coast Guard Master.

Boat Used Parts Search – Find used parts with this powerful search engine specifically for boaters.

The Bonne Amie Chronicles – A blog to read if you want to see how to do restoration perfectly at any cost.

CapnRehab – Bringing a gift C-22 back from the brink of destruction. – Dedicated to the sportier sister ship but most of it is also applicable to Catalina 22s.

Captain Curran’s Sailing Blog – West coast cruising and a few DIY projects.

Capt’n Pauley’s Place – Projects and lots of other good cruising info.

The Catalina 22 Experiment  – Perhaps the largest private Catalina 22 site.

Catalina 22 National Association – National organization for Catalina 22 racers and cruisers.

Catalina/Capri 25/250 International Association – Similar to the Catalina 22 National Association but for the slightly longer sister ships. Active forums on topics mostly applicable also to C-22s.

Catalina Direct Forums – Not very active, not searchable, and not sortable by date, but if you don’t mind browsing the threads, lots of good info. – Along with Sailnet, one of the most active Catalina forums.

Chip Ahoy Home Port – Perhaps the most famous Catalina 22 improvement site. Here’s what you can do if money is no object.

Compass Marine Services How-To Articles. – Great technical articles by a pro.

On Board with Mark Corke – Excellent DIY site for boats of all kinds.

Practical Sailor – “Independent test of boats and gear for the serious sailor” It’s the Consumer Reports of sailing and DIY.

Ragged Sails – Some well documented restoration and improvement projects while living aboard a 33′ Hunter

Rigging Doctor – A skipper of a larger sailboat who also takes DIY rigging seriously, especially synthetic rigging. Also some good tips for any size sailboat.

SailNet → Low buck projects – My all time favorite forum thread. It epitomizes the DIY spirit of this blog and gave rise to The $tingy Sailor. As of the time this page was posted, this thread alone was passing 90 pages in length. Lots of great ideas and humor.

SeTherin – Serious C-22 racing and pictures of mods but no descriptions.

Simply BOAT – Quite possibly the most extensively modified Catalina 22.

SJ23 Technical Tips – Devoted to San Juan 23’s but lots of info applicable to any trailerable.

Yacht Survey Online – Over 160 articles by a retired marine surveyor about the worst problems for boats.

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